Saturday, December 7, 2013

International Roles in the ECE Community

International Organizations


The first one I chose to explore was Save The Children Organization, "We save children's lives; we fight for their rights; we help them fulfill their potential" (Save the Children). The job that I explored was Child Protection Advisor They work with the partners, so they can get a breakthrough for the children to be treated the way they should, and to be able to change their lives. The child Protection Advisor will be responsible for giving technical guidance to field base teams, and to make sure that there are high-quality activities implemented. They are also the ones that develop proposals and securing that there is funding for the programs. The job requirements are a master or Bachelor's  Degree in social work, Human Rights, or relevant field. Need to have good interpersonal skills and have the ability to communicate clearly and effectively at all levels. The main thing is you are going to have to know how to speak in more than one language to get your point across to everyone.


The second one I chose to explore was Unicef organization, "We believe that nurturing and caring for children are the cornerstones of human progress" (Unicef). This article talks about so many things they do to help the children. They talked about poverty, aids, hunger and several others. The job I chose to explore is "Basic Education and Gender Quality" this is one that would go hand and hand with the degree that I am exploring. I could also give these children the education they all deserve. There might be some more training depending on what I know about their culture and what I need to do the job the right way.


The last one I chose to explore was Academy for education development Organization, this is an organization that want to "improve lives by generating, sharing, and applying knowledge"(Academy for Educational Development). The job I chose to explore is the Technical Advisor, the requirements are a masters degree or a PhD in international communication. Minimum of 10 years or more experience. Need to have strong written and verbal skills, and have knowledge in the Arabic and Jordan is a must. Would need to have more education or training in this country and what they are all about.




Academy for Educational Development. (2011). Retrieved from


              Save the Children. (2011). Retrieved from


             United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). (n.d.). Retrieved December 6, 2013, from      


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

The three jobs that are of interest to me are NAEYC, Head Start, or Teaching an Early Childhood Class all these are ones that I have the education to fulfill all of their requirements. They are also ones I have a little bit of knowledge and seem to be very interesting.

My first job would be, The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)  This is a wonderful program it has several resources for educators to explore about children. This would be a great place to work and be on the other side of working and helping child care centers to obtain their accreditation. I could give out advice on how to set up their environment, and to be able to give these children a wonderful place to learn. NAEYC is a great opportunity to help teachers get any advice they need.

My second job would be, National Head Start Association it a great program that works with the parents and the children to succeed in their goals they have set for them. Head Start is wonderful to give these children a head Start in their learning and to succeed in their learning as well. With all of the knowledge I have gained would be able to help the child and parents to succeed in their own learning experience. Head Start is a good resource for any educators.

My last job would be to teach a college class. I would love to have the opportunity to give the same education that I was given. With all the knowledge I have gained i would hoped that I could give others some other resources to follow or to give them the learning experience that they all deserve. Head Start has several programs within their program to help parents out, so they can succeed in their everyday life experiences.

I feel with all the education and knowledge I have gained that I could do any of these three jobs without any concerns, and could be able to help others out in the process.


The National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2013. Retrieved from

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and state Levels

The first Community of Practice I have chose to explore is from the Dayton, Ohio area. The Family Network, where families come together to be connected. The Family network was funded by national parenting expert Jody Johnston Pawel in March of 1987. This is a Dayton moms group for the entire Family! They make connections with other Dayton parents which creates memories with other children while exploring new friends around the world. This program is mainly for stay-at-home moms, but there are stat-at- home dads and working parents that join the group as well. Some of the things they do as a group is playgroups at a members home, play dates at a local park, Holiday parties, and monthly kid's craft. I am interested in this program, because there are so many single moms and dads that need support groups to get advice from each other. This would be a great opportunity for children to explore other friends within their community.

 The second Community of Practice is in the Newark, Ohio area. The Habitat For Humanity was funded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller. This is a nonprofit, and Christian housing Ministry. They believe that every man, women, and children should have a nice, safe, and affordable place to live. The program is based on volunteer labor and donations. Families who need a safe environment can apply. The applicants chosen help to build their own house. The families have to put in so many hours to help build their own house. I would love to have the opportunity to work with these families to help boost their self-esteem, and to help them rebuild their lives as well.

The last Community of Practice is also from the Newark, Ohio area. The WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program which is a short term program. The WIC program helps pregnant mothers to have nutritional foods. It also helps families that are in need of formula, cereal, and baby food for their infants. Then they supply other foods for children from one to five years old. People that are eligible are ones that are at the poverty level of 185%. WIC also provides supplemental foods, healthcare referrals, nutrition education, breastfeeding programs and many more for low income families. I would like to be able to mentor these families to make sure they are getting the foods they need for their children on a monthly basis. The main thing is to make sure they are meeting all the needs of their children. Some families need an extra boost in getting the things they need.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ending Our Class



The last eight weeks have been a learning process. When talking about communication everyone can learn new ways to communicate with others. All of the discussions and blogs has helped me to understand more about the communication language. I have learned ways of communicating with others without having body language or even attitude in my voice. The non-verbal is an area that I really have learned different ways to communicate with others.

I feel we have all learned a lot from all of the discussions and blog assignments. With all of the interaction we have gained more knowledge about the topics each week. I would like to thank everyone for all of the input you have given me throughout this course. I have learned different ways of communicating with people I work with, and know when not to respond. I feel we have all learned something from one another throughout this whole course.

I really wish everyone good luck in their future studies, and hope your journey is what you have expected. I know we all have big plans for the future and my wish is for everyone to succeed in their learning and to gain what they want out of life.

My contact information is, or you can look me up on face book. I can not wait until my journey is done have been in school for a long while, and I am ready to enjoy my grandchildren  and traveling as well. Thank you very much hope to hear from you in the future.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


                                                       TEAM BUILDING

You need to have the adjouring stage when completing a project of any kind. The team will be going off into separate ways and moving into other work projects. When you have to end a project that you have worked on for awhile with the group it is very hard to have say good-bye, it will make everyone sad that they will have to brek up a good team. The groups I have worked on we have been able to stay in contact for the most part. It is hard when you build a bond with people and then you have to go on your separate ways.

I do think high performance groups are harder to leave than others, because you are all like family and know everyone on a name basis. When you are treated like family saying good-bye or leaving a group makes you feel like you are breaking your family aprt.

The group that was the clearest norms to me was beibg involved in a "Brownie troop leader" to me they had everything laid out very well of what you was suppose to do at all meetings. They had a couple of people involved in the cookie sales, and the peanut sale. I think it made for all the norms to be very clear for anyone coming in to take over for any one person.

For me the group that was very hard to leave was being a Foster Parent it was a very different kind of group it was one that you really felt like a huge family, because you was taking care of other peoples children, but the agency made you feel like one big family. That was a hard one to say good-bye to ll of my close friends. Some of them I still sty in contact with, but some I do not talk to.

I really have not experienced any  rituals for closing in any group, but I do wish I would of had this information to make my closing from groups a little better than it was. I think it would of made it easier when leaving a couple of groups I was involved in.

I have enjoyed working with all of the colleagues from different parts of the world and the different cultures as well. We have all shared all kinds of ideals that we can use in our own career. We have given a lot of interaction within our discussions and blog  post as well. I am really excited to one day get to meet everyone in person at our graduation cermony. We have all grown into one big group and have gotten to know everyone a little better in each class. I will have to say it is going to be hard to say good-bye in this big group.

I have to say we all need to go through the adjourning stage and not just move on. I wish everyone the best of luck in everything they do in their furture studies or to go to a new job. Whatever God has in plan for them will be the best.

Saturday, April 6, 2013




I am not one to have a conflict with anyone, but here lately at work it has been one conflict after another. I have recently taken on a job as "Health and Safety coordinator", and everyone thinks they do not have to listen to anything I tell them to do. I do not like the feeling at all when I have words with other people. For one I was brought up that you are to respect your elders, and most of the people I have under me are a lot younger than me. I need to really stop and think before I say anything, because maybe I am saying things out of context or with an attitude. I feel I am one that needs to step back and look at the whole picture, and do some active listening before I act on anything. To keep my thoughts to myself and think before I say something I will regret. I think when we are upset at each other we say things before we think and it is usually all negative and no positive reinforcement.     


The main thing is to look at myself first and think how we can all stay positive in any conflict and not fly off of the handle so much. Communication is one thing that everyone has no control over how they respond to certain people, and you do not realize you hurt someone's feelings until you have done opened your mouth the wrong way. Sometimes we need to walk away from a situation and come back to it later when we have calmed down, and then try to fix the problem. My situation will get better once we get director that is permanent and not one that is filling in at least that is my opinion on the whole thing for now.


I feel using the three R's will help you to know how to communicate with all of your co-workers, friends, or even family members. The three R's is a guide to know how to communicate without having any kind of conflict. It will give you advice on talking with other people and how to control your conversation, so it does not get out of control. We as adults need to stop, and think before we say anything. The main thing is to watch the tone you use that can have some affect on your communication as well.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Differences in Communication

It was rather different evaluating myself on communication and then having other people evaluate me. We all did not have the same response my score was a little bit higher which was hard to believe. The one thing that was surprising to me was how close we all was on the score. I did not think anyone knew me that well, but I guess so. Another insight I learn is that I am more business like, but until doing this survey I would of never thought of that.


Another insight I learn is that we cannot judge someone from the cover. We need to really get to know a person before you can tell what that person is like. You do not want to judge them the wrong way and come out with the wrong perceptions of them. I would be very upset if a person would judge me without getting to know me first. Sometimes we have no clue of what that person might be going through at the time. Unless you have walked in their shoes do not judge them give them a chance.


The two things that I would share is:


1)  Not to judge someone from the cover you could be uncovering something you do not want to uncover.


2)  Do not assume you know someone by just looking at them. When you assume you can be very wrong at one point or another.  first impressions can through you off all the time. We need to get to know them before judging what they do on a daily basis.


By doing these will enhance me to be a better person to communicate with others without any barriers. Communication is a big skill to master with talking to other people.